Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The family that exercises together...

Or at least at the same time!  This evening it made me feel good to see Kayleigh heading of to cross country practice and Bill on a bike ride as I was heading out to run.  I'm slowly catching on to working and exercising on the same days.

This was my first day at work that felt like real work, not just walking around meeting people.  Half way through the afternoon I got a headache and it is still there.  I came home and immediately put on work out clothes.  After eating, I really wanted to sit on the couch and watch TV but I didn't.  I made myself get up and go for a run.  I figured I couldn't skip it when everyone else was out exercising and the weather has miraculously dropped down to the 70's! 

So as much as I wanted to stay on the couch, I didn't.  I went to the track and ran a lap, walked a lap, etc until I reached 3 miles.  My lap times were better than I thought I could do.  And now I'm back home, it isn't even 8PM yet, and I can watch TV without any guilt!
This picture has nothing to do with anything.  I just thought it was pretty and hate to have a post without a picture!  We saw this flower this weekend and thought it was so pretty, we went and bought one to plant at home.

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