We still have a lot of snow here and it is still very cold. On Sunday they notified us that schools would be closed Monday and Tuesday and that our work start times were delayed. Monday morning they closed both our businesses so we were all home for the day and the state closed all the roads.
This morning, I had planned to go to work. Most of the roads were opened but they were still warning people that the conditions were very hazardous. Bill leaves about an hour before me so he called and let me know that the intersections were very icy. I put on multiple layers of clothing and headed out for work with plenty of time to spare. First I struggled to get the garage door to open but luckily the car started fine. I was happy to see that Bill had set the 4-wheel drive because I wasn't sure that I remembered how. So I slowly headed down the driveway and at the end - stopped. I tried to pull forward and my wheels started spinning. I finally managed to pull forward but when I went back, I again got stuck. I continued to do this over and over, trying different angles and speeds but couldn't make it into the street. After several minutes I realized this was a sign that I really should not be on the road so I pulled forward and went inside.
After taking off several layers I sat down and was really unsure what to do. I was irritated that I wasn't able to get to work, partially because I didn't want to use a vacation day but also because I'm tired of being stuck in the house. There is nothing more I can clean or organize! After a few minutes though, I realized this was a great opportunity to just focus on doing things that make me happy. There was nowhere I had to go and nothing and had to do. To make it even better, Kayleigh was stuck here with me! So I decided to be happy and enjoy my day.
First I lit one of my favorite candles and watched some TV. Once Kayleigh woke up, we made some muffins. Her chocolate muffins were from a cookbook but I wanted to use up some mandarin oranges so I we had to adapt a basic recipe (I'll post the recipe tomorrow). Then we watched a little more TV and ate lunch.
After lunch, we pulled out several games (non-electronic) and played all afternoon. In case you're curious, I won 3 games of Battleship but Kayleigh won Bargain Hunter and Bonkers.
Throughout the day I learned that it is not a waste of time (or a vacation day) to sit back and pick things to do just because you enjoy them. I hope to not have to wait for severe weather to do this again! Although Kayleigh's school is cancelled again for Wednesday, I will hopefully be back at work, refreshed and happy.
In case you can't tell, that says the temperature outside was -3. We were excited that it warmed up!
Tiger barely left my side all day.
Kayleigh picking out a muffin recipe.
My favorite boy.
Playing Battleship - 1970's version. Our other cat insisted on laying across Kayleigh's legs which may explain why I won!
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